Regulatory Updates
KR Decarbonization Magazine
VOL.02 | SPRING 2023
Briefings of MEPC 79 & Outlook for the MEPC 80
- Towards carbon neutrality by 2050
At the 79th MEPC meeting, discussions continued on the revision of the IMO’s initial strategy for reducing GHG emissions. Specific implementation plans were reviewed for the introduction of mid-term measures (technical measure and market-based measure) to reduce GHG emissions from ships.

Key issues for GHG reduction
1) Approval of the unified interpretation on the use of biofuels and synthetic fuels
- MEPC 79 approved MEPC.1/Circ.795/Rev.7 containing the revised Unified Interpretation to MARPOL Annex VI, which states that a marine diesel engine certified to NOx requirements that can use a fuel oil blend of less than 30% by volume of biofuel and synthetic fuels should be permitted to use such a fuel oil without onboard NOx verification.
2) Review of black carbon reduction
- To reduce black carbon emissions in the Arctic, an amendment to MARPOL Annex VI was discussed to require the use of distillate fuel or other cleaner alternative fuels for ships. As a result of the meeting, the PPR Sub-Committee was tasked with reviewing the details of the amendment. Accordingly, a draft guideline for black carbon data collection and reporting and target-based black carbon regulation has been developed through discussions of the 9th PPR CG (Correspondence Group), which will be proposed for further discussion at the 10th PPR CG.
3) Revision of the initial IMO GHG strategy
There were significant differences of opinion among Member States on the vision and level of ambition in the GHG reduction strategy, such as full decarbonization by 2050, further assessment of the feasibility of achieving a revised level of ambition, the potential impact on States prior to the adoption of a revised strategy and the necessity of intermediate GHG reduction targets being set for 2030 and 2040. Although no decision could be taken at MEPC 79, it was agreed that the discussion on the revised strategy would be continued by ISWG-GHG 14 and 15, with a view to the adoption of a revised IMO GHG strategy at MEPC 80.
4) Basket of candidate mid-term measures for GHG reduction
-Technical measures to set emission standards for the use of marine fuels (GHG Fuel Standard) and market-based measures for collecting a certain amount per ship for GHG emissions or to trade carbon credits (GHG LEVY or ECTS, Emission Cap-and-Trade System) were discussed. The session confirmed the support and consensus of Member States.
5) Onboard CO₂ capture (CO₂ removal)
- MEPC 79 noted the views that, in particular, the development of a specific work plan to initiate a holistic consideration on how to best reflect onboard CO₂ capture in various IMO instruments and a careful approach to this issue, such as accounting, storage, disposal, and relevant certification schemes, would be required to ensure effective implementation so that the captured carbon would not be released back into the atmosphere. Interested Member States and organizations are invited to submit further information and concrete proposals to a future session for further consideration.